Feminine and stunning, you will love this bracelet from Rei of Light Jewelry.
The smoldering smoky quartz with its beautiful hues of brown will steal your heart. The dark blue and copper impression jasper merges into various hues – it is a mix of tan colors which impart a lovely contrast to any shade. This gemstone is popular for helping to find clarity and inner peace. The freshwater pearls are the icing on the cake.
is a natural warrior in that it is helps rid negative energies. It is a grounding stone helping us to face reality and all the demands and responsibilities that come with it. Teaches the wearer how to leave things behind that no longer serve. An excellent antidote to stress it helps tolerate difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve.
Impression jasper merges into various hues – it is a mix of tan and crimson matrix colors, which impart a lovely contrast to any shade. This gemstone is popular for helping to find clarity and inner peace.
Pearls offer the wearer a sense of calmness and centering and promote faith, loyalty, truth and purity. Pearls are considered to be gems of nurturing and nourishment, as their origin is a result of self-nurturing . They can especially enhance personal integrity.
The gold chain dangling with the blue sapphire gemstone and the gold accent spacers truly turn this bracelet into a masterpiece/
Stretch Magic is used to string the original gemstones which is durable, strong, and stretchable. This will fit a small wrist and stretch up to up to a 7.5” wrist. If you need very small or larger please place a comment when ordering.
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